Process Skills
An approach to
an incarnational spirituality
This is a
multi-dimensional and inside-out training in process facilitation, designed for
people already active as coaches, counsellors, consultants, mentors and
facilitators. You can expect to learn principles, practices and processes to
integrate into your own work in whatever ways work for you.
The approach we will
work with sees the self as an energy and field phenomenon that exists on
different and co-existent levels or dimensions. We will work with methods of
accessing and connecting these different levels, establishing flow between them
in ways that bring a greater experience of wholeness and coherence in the whole
approach also assumes something self-organising at work within ourselves and
within the world – a sentiency or spirit that seeks to create wholeness, both
internally within ourselves and externally in relation to our environment. On a
personal level, we could see this as an energetic patterning or generative
matrix that is unique and individual to us, that holds the essential blueprint
for who we are. There are many terms for this – soul, source, seed, destiny,
life myth, DNA of the psyche – whatever term we give it, it gives meaning and
purpose to who we are and continually calls us, asking to be lived and given
expression. When we live close to an awareness of it, we experience a sense of
meaning, authenticity and coherence. Things become more integrated as a path,
with different parts of ourselves coming together rather than being all over
the place.
This approach is not
aimed at supporting people to align with an image of a psychologically or
spiritually healthy person – rather, it encourages alignment with each person’s
own inherent energetic patterning, their own self-organising principle.
this training we will work with ways of supporting ourselves and others to
connect with this inherent self-organising patterning, and to engage with the
path of our personal calling, as well as with the calling of the world and of
our times.
will also work with processes and techniques to negotiate ‘edges’, to
understand resistances and use them to bring change, as well as to find meaning, purpose and energy in disturbances.
In working with
growth and transformation processes, either with ourselves or others, we often
encounter an edge, a boundary between what we are more familiar with and
identified in ourselves and our cultures, and something that is less familiar,
more mysterious, maybe attractive, maybe disturbing or difficult. At the edge, we encounter inhibitors and
resistances of different sorts.
training uses an experiential approach which includes peer coaching exercises,
innerwork tools, relationship work and facilitation processes, as well as theoretical
presentations and discussion. We will
use more non-linear and less conventional methods of working – drawing,
movement, symbols, story, sound. These help us access different ways of knowing
and bring us different kinds of information than just thinking. We will be
thinking as well, of course – working with both sides of the brain, and
engaging the logical, emotional, metaphorical, subtle and self-organising
aspects of ourselves and of growth and incarnational processes.
This is a
hands-on training from the inside out, in that you will be participating in the
exercises and processes, as well as coaching and facilitating others through
them. You can expect to deepen your own innate facilitation and leadership
style, and to expand your counselling and coaching abilities, as well as to
connect with the values that underpin your calling to this work.
This training draws on approaches
from Incarnational Spirituality and Process Oriented Psychology, as well as the
work and experience of the Findhorn Community and the Transformation Game®.
To whom it might be interesting? Anyone working with people as a coach, counsellor, consultant, trainer, mentor or facilitator.
Why it might be useful? Expand your coaching, counseling and facilitation skills and style. Learn new approaches to integrate into your work. Explore a ‘designer’ approach to psychology and spirituality – supporting people to live close to their own inherent patterning, allowing the expression of their full self to emerge.
What the training is based on and what does it include?
- It draws on approaches from Incarnational Spirituality, Process Oriented Psychology and transpersonal psychologies
- It is an experiential approach which includes peer coaching experiences, innerwork tools, relationship work and facilitation processes, as well as theoretical presentations and discussion
- It uses drawing, movement, symbols, story, sound to help access different ways of knowing and different kinds of information than just thinking
- It works with both sides of the brain, engaging the logical, emotional, metaphorical, subtle and self-organizing aspects of ourselves and of growth and incarnational processes
- This is a hands-on training from the inside out, in that you will be participating in the exercises and processes, as well as coaching and facilitating others through them.
What will be learned? A way of working with the self as a whole system or field phenomenon with different and co-existing dimensions and parts. A systemic approach that supports people to recognize and access different aspects of themselves and bring them into relationship in a way that enhances their experience of coherence and wholeness.
What methods will be learned?
- Ways of engaging with the self-organizing principle or sentiency that holds each person’s essential patterning – the DNA of their psyche
- Methods to support people to access different levels, dimensions and parts of themselves and to establish flow and relationship between them in ways that bring more coherence and wholeness
- Processes and techniques for working with ‘edges’, understanding resistances and using them to bring change, and finding meaning and purpose in disturbances.
Timing: 5 days, November 4–8, 2015
Working language: english with translation to russian
Participation fee:400 eur ( 350 Eur till 01.09.2015.)
Information and registration: Jelena Markune, +370 65233237,

Trainer: Mary
Inglis is an independent trainer, facilitator and coach who works
internationally with courses and trainings in personal and group
development, leadership, creativity, and transformational change
processes. The core of her work is to do with exploring capacities for
wholeness within ourselves and in relation to the world around us, and
with engaging with the path of our personal calling, as well as the
calling of the world and our times. Her work encourages people to
connect with their own authentic presence, journey and contribution, and
to engage with their own generative core and potential. Born in
Scotland, Mary grew up in Nigeria and Lesotho, and went to school and
university in South Africa, where she worked as a journalist as well as
training in experiential educational approaches. For the last 40 years
she has lived at the Findhorn Community in Scotland, where she is a
long-term faculty member of the Findhorn Foundation. The Findhorn
Community is a holistic and spiritual educational centre exploring new
approaches to spirituality and sustainability, as well as collaboration
and partnership with all of earth’s ecologies, both physical and
non-physical. Mary is also managing director of the UK branch of
InnerLinks Associates, which researches and develops Transformation Game
products, programmes and trainings; these offer playful yet substantial
approaches to exploring and transforming issues in life and work. Mary
has been involved with the Transformation Game since its beginnings in
1976. Her work draws on her experience at the Findhorn Community and
with the Transformation Game, as well with as a variety of other fields
and inter-disciplinary approaches, including process oriented psychology
and incarnational spirituality. She has designed, developed and
facilitated some innovative programmes, processes and trainings,
including several custom-made large group processes using the
Transformation Game in conferences in the UK, Europe and Korea.
Feedback about the training which took place in the beginning of 2015 in Japan from Mana Hirose:
"Mary Inglis has been in Japan for a month to give several kinds of
training include facilitators training. I had done "Process Skill
Training" which is asort of her works. It was really interesting work
based on Process Oriented Psycology and other aspects of Incarnational
Spirituarity by David Spanglar that includes the process skills, which
can be used in the Transformation Game or anywhere else working with people.
I recommend you if you have a chance! It is such a gift to be shared
Mary's rich insights & intelligence by long time experience. It was
time of learning mistery of life and a lot of fun!
These days I
am using process skills in my Transformation game facilitation, and it
works very well! It leads to really intuitional awareness and
understanding what is there in unconcious area of each person. Also it
is obvious to other players to understand what is happening with others.
More process, more compassion and support!"